31 Days: Pathway to Perseverance - Be Still
The book of Exodus tells about the endless miracles that persuaded Pharaoh to free the Israelite slaves. Led by Moses, the Israelites began a long trek through the desert. In chapter 14 of Exodus, the climatic drama peaks. While the Israelites are intent on a swift exit from the Egyptian King and his land, God directs Moses to lead the people back to the water's edge. The people obey and in a little while, they see the Egyptian army in hot pursuit, with chariots blazing (literally).The people become fearful. They question Moses and at the same time, question God.
Moses saw the same army, the same chariots, he heard the same battle cries, but he was firm in his faith and unwavering. He encouraged the people not to be afraid. Then he spoke the words that changed everything in that one little moment, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" (Exodus 14:14).
Have you ever been in a situation when it looked like the big, bad and scary were running right at you? Maybe it is something that has enslaved you and you are trying hard to over come it. Maybe you are like me and some of the fiercest battles that threaten to completely overtake you are right in your own home. There are definitely times when we face certain dangers and the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom to know when and how to take action. But there are times when it looks like the enemy is just about to over take us, we can see the flaring nostrils of the battle steeds headed directly for us. It may even feel like God placed us intentionally in the middle of danger, but we can trust God to fight for us if we do our part. If we listen and have faith in God's promises, our lives will display God's glory as we sing praises about the God who fights for us.
Be still.
Moses saw the same army, the same chariots, he heard the same battle cries, but he was firm in his faith and unwavering. He encouraged the people not to be afraid. Then he spoke the words that changed everything in that one little moment, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" (Exodus 14:14).
Have you ever been in a situation when it looked like the big, bad and scary were running right at you? Maybe it is something that has enslaved you and you are trying hard to over come it. Maybe you are like me and some of the fiercest battles that threaten to completely overtake you are right in your own home. There are definitely times when we face certain dangers and the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom to know when and how to take action. But there are times when it looks like the enemy is just about to over take us, we can see the flaring nostrils of the battle steeds headed directly for us. It may even feel like God placed us intentionally in the middle of danger, but we can trust God to fight for us if we do our part. If we listen and have faith in God's promises, our lives will display God's glory as we sing praises about the God who fights for us.
Be still.
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