31 Days: Pathway to Perseverance - Come a Little Closer

One of the biggest challenges for an introvert, is the gut level reaction to withdraw, tuck deep inside when life hurts. Maybe it is not an introverted thing.  Maybe it is just a Me thing. But, I suspect there are more people in the world who feel just the same. Its almost as if I have to put a little buffer between myself and the external so I can just take a little minute and breathe, regenerate, and recoup some energy. It can be hard on the people who are close to me sometime. All this hard work to pull away so that there is enough of me left to be present.

Have you ever heard the saying, work smarter, not harder?  Looking for an internal energy source is just plain ol' hard work.  But, Jesus gives stuck inside myself people like me an opportunity to work smart and to tap directly into the only true source of energy, strength, and help. Jesus bids us to learn from him and promises us rest for our weary souls (Matthew 11:29).  Instead of pulling away, when trouble comes, Jesus draws close. Even when we are lower than low, spirit crushed beyond recognition, Jesus draws close. And, then Jesus delivers.  Delivers from the pain, the reaction to run somewhere other than into his arms and he makes it safe and right and easy to draw close. To engage. To be present.

Come a little closer and receive deliverance.



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