31 Days: Pathway to Perseverance - Knock, Knock!
Closed doors are so symbolic. A form of protection from weather, critters of all kinds, and intruders. Doors not only keep things out but keep things from coming in. We use our doors to escape the outside, to shut out the world. What if you are the thing on the other side of that door that is hoping beyond hopes that you can go in settle down by the fire, visit a loved one, and just feel at home.
People have doors too. Closed minds slammed shut to keep out new thoughts, ideas, learning, reasoning or wisdom, Hearts locked securely, key thrown into a deep abyss so nothing can penetrate. It can be easy, really to build a barricade. To lock out everyone and everything that is important. Even God.
That is why I think it so exceptionally beautiful that God uses a door as a symbol of his provision and of his answer to our cries for help. He is the one who has more reason than any created being to slam shut every door, but he doesn't. Doors swing wide. Doors are unhinged. Welcome mats rolled out. And, we are welcomed, warmed, home.
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