31 Days: Pathway to Perseverance - Mistakes to Mosaics

Three years ago, I made the choice to move mountains, valleys, rivers, and oceans away from my adult children to begin a new journey—a path that God carved for me. It was hard and it hurt, a lot.  But in a unique way, it has given me the opportunity to see my children in a new light. I can see the lives that they have built and their footprints in the sand of the paths that God has clearly carved for their lives.  I struggle with feeling disconnected, not a part of the journey they are taking.  I watch carefully and evaluate every move with detective-like precision to see if there are scars left behind from the mistakes I may have made along the way. If they feel it; they hide it well. And now that they are raising children of their own they seem to be doing so much better than I ever could have. I am proud of them—all of them.

I’ve been told you never know how well you did as a parent until you see your children parent your grandchildren. I think it is not a matter of how well I did or did not do that plays out in the way my kids wildly love my grandchildren, it is a living testament of God’s mercy and Christ’s redemptive power. It simply cannot be anything less than an Act of God and a supernatural occurrence for the mistakes—even the small, careless mistakes that we so often laugh about years later to turn into the beautiful mosaic of our life stories instead of deep crevasses of regret. 

Photo credit: https://awinkoftruth.files.wordpress.com


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