
Showing posts from November, 2017

Five Minute Friday - Excuse

There is something different about this particular age. I seem to be more comfortable with my flaws. More comfortable with my abilities and I am a bit more proactive at identifying pitfalls. When I fail, I know it is not due to a lack of effort or that I haven't done my best work. I am beyond loyal—all in, all of the time. When I do fail, I find myself most often, saying "no excuse" just missed the mark.  It is somewhat freeing to be able to simply accept what is.  To identify ways to make it better and move on. Excuses encumber, weigh down and skew the truth. It is impossible to be introspective, self-correct or identify sin when an excuse, like smoked-glass and mirrors, realigns perceptions and tricks the eye or heart. I love that Jesus comes as light (John 8;12). Where excuses hide, light illuminates and exposes (John 1:5). Excuses lose power when brought from darkness to light. God's grace and mercy help me—help us to ask for forgiveness and to accept the o...

Five Minute Friday - Silence

I crave silence. The simple stopping of the chaos of the spinning world, my spinning world. I hear it from others too, a moment of silence is all I need.  Mothers hide in bathrooms for a moment's respite away from miniature selfs attached to hips and hands. Earplugs are offered at church doors to block sound and soften atmosphere. We buy insulation for walls, thick glass windows, buffers against sound. What I really crave is internal silence. Even during rare times when I am able to quiet thoughts, there is still an internal buzzing, something eternally noisy that just will not quit. True silence, holy silence is only achieved when we wait on God (Psalm 62:5).  We sit in silence along with the whole of the earth when we come face-to-face with our Heavenly Father (Habakkuk 2:20).  Perhaps I really won't experience or understand silence until I am in heaven when silence becomes awe, wonder, and praise (Revelation 8:1).    This was written as part of the ...