Five Minute Friday - Silence

I crave silence. The simple stopping of the chaos of the spinning world, my spinning world. I hear it from others too, a moment of silence is all I need.  Mothers hide in bathrooms for a moment's respite away from miniature selfs attached to hips and hands. Earplugs are offered at church doors to block sound and soften atmosphere. We buy insulation for walls, thick glass windows, buffers against sound.

What I really crave is internal silence. Even during rare times when I am able to quiet thoughts, there is still an internal buzzing, something eternally noisy that just will not quit. True silence, holy silence is only achieved when we wait on God (Psalm 62:5).  We sit in silence along with the whole of the earth when we come face-to-face with our Heavenly Father (Habakkuk 2:20).  Perhaps I really won't experience or understand silence until I am in heaven when silence becomes awe, wonder, and praise (Revelation 8:1).   

This was written as part of the Five Minute Friday Community. We write for five minutes, around a single word prompt, completely unedited.  The prompt for this week is Silence. To find out more about Five Minute Friday or to visit other writers, click here: Five Minute Friday


  1. Lovely post, Christina! I agree, we live in such a noisy world that silence is hard to find at times. We need those times when we can be still and focus on God. Visiting from FMF #33.

  2. I have a regular practice of silence, just a few minutes before I start my day. Even though I've been practicing, I still have a hard time quieting my mind. I crave silence too. I agree, in heaven, we will understand fully in eternity.
    Glad you be your FMF neighbor.


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