Five Minute Friday- Regret: Better Left Unsaid
There are times in our lives when the adage, "better left unsaid" should be heeded. Once words escape, they cannot be stuffed back into our mouths and out of the memories of the hearer. Words linger in eternal balance and they have the power to bring life or to destroy (Proverbs 18:21). And misused words can certainly cause regret. Like most, I have had my share of those better left unsaid moments and I have carried the regret that follows. But, some of my most regretful moments are the "I wish I would have said that" moments. When I think or pray or create with fingers on a keyboard words flow. But when I am face-to-face with a stranger or a friend, my words often fail. They stick deep in my throat and despite how desperately I will them to sound loud, there is silence. The worst of it happens when there is a supernatural connection with someone — a God-moment— and I am frozen. The quickening of the Holy Spirit, whispering in my ear to just speak and I ...